Some Texans Preventing Farm Animals from Freezing by Bringing Them Inside
The unprecedented cold temperatures and power outages are forcing Texans to bring their farm animals inside to keep them from freezing to death.
As someone who grew up in the country, I totally get it. I remember being a kid and going out to the barn and checking on the chickens when it got cold. We had heating lamps throughout the barn that did the trick just fine, but what happens if you lose power to the barn? Well, you bring them chickens inside.
Farmers and ranchers understand what they’re getting themselves into when they get into the business. There are going to be times when you have to go to extremes to protect your investment. As area farmer Kenneth McAlister put it to Newschannel 6, it’s part of the nature of what they’re in.

New York Magazine and HuffPost contributor Yashar Ali started the conversation on Twitter regarding the drastic measures Texans are taking to keep their animals from freezing.
Not everyone agrees that it’s necessary, however. Especially considering the brutal winters they have to endure up north.
No matter what your opinion is on the issue, it's good to see people being proactive when it comes to the care of their livestock.
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