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Texas Officers Mow Yard of Woman Who Suffered from Heat Exhaustion

Officers helped check on the lady and also helped finish the job.

Over in Baytown, Texas officers were called out to the residence of an elderly woman who was suffering from heat exhaustion. She was out on a hot day mowing her yard and a neighbor’s yard as well. The sun got to her and officers were called. They came out to check on her and definitely came to her rescue.

Officers took turns finishing off the yards so she could sit down and not have to worry about finishing her yard work. The officers took turns mowing so they also didn’t get burned out in the Texas sun. They were in their uniforms and those aren’t the most comfortable yard work attire.

This is just a friendly reminder that if you have to be out in the sun here in Texas over the summer. Be sure you take breaks and drink plenty of water. Sunscreen helps as well.

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