Texas House Member Wins Re-Election from a Jail Cell
Party up in Pod 2 of the Montgomery County Jail last night.
Congratulations to inmate number 232573, the people of Missouri City, Texas know him as Representative Ron Reynolds. The people spoke and decided to re-elect Democrat Ron Reynolds, even though he is currently in jail. He has been in jail since September 7.
He's serving a year-long sentence after a 2015 conviction on five misdemeanor counts of using a middleman to chase ambulances in order to solicit clients for his law firm. Reynolds had been appealing the conviction since 2015, but that would eventually come to an end. Since the crimes are misdemeanors, Reynolds did not have to resign from office.
This whole story is crazy, but here is the thing. If this sentence does not get reduced, he will be sitting in a jail cell when the legislature reconvenes in January. He could miss his ENTIRE first year if he does not get this sentence reduced. He is scheduled to get out on September 7, 2019.
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