Firehouse Subs Set to Open Up this Weekend Here in Wichita Falls
We have been patiently waiting for Firehouse Subs to open in Wichita Falls, and the doors will finally be open very soon.
KFDX reports that Firehouse Subs will be opening its doors this weekend. I gave a call over to the corporate office for Firehouse Subs and they said their tentative date to open is actually today (August 16). This is a tentative date she stressed to me and this does not mean they're open today.
I'm not sure if the weekend means Friday or Saturday. If you're interested, drive on by the location in Quail Creek Shopping Center on Lawrence Road. Firehouse Subs has replaced the old Orange Leaf location.
Also at Firehouse Subs, a portion of your purchase goes to the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation, which provides grants to local first responders to purchase lifesaving equipment. According to KAUZ, Wichita Falls fire and police departments could get $25,000 in new equipment if the city's grant application is approved.
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