Who in Wichita Falls Won the Free Thanksgiving from United?
With Thanksgiving this week we wanted to share our winners for our big United Supermarkets giveaway.
So last week, we started a contest thanks to our good friends at the United Family. They reached out to us and said they wanted to give away a $1,000 in gift cards to families in Texoma. We thought this was an amazing gesture and we wanted to give these to some deserving families in the area.
We reached out to you guys and asked for you to submit stories on a family member or friend that deserves a free Thanksgiving meal. If your story was chosen, you get a $100 gift card and the person you nominated also gets a $100 gift card. We got a lot of amazing stories, but below are the five we chose to hook up this week. I am happy to report everyone picked up their gift cards.

It sounds like we could be doing something like this around Christmas this year. We will alert you on our app when that contest goes live. If you don't have our app, click that button above to get it on your phone today. I am going to redact names because some of these stories are personal and I don't know if the people want that information out there.
Winner 1 - Hailey
I would like to nominate a local Girl Scout family in my hometown. This Girl Scout lives with her grandmother aunt and uncle and the grandmother takes care of the entire family. They have very little money and they struggle every year to get by but they always make it and they always help others in need and I would like to somehow return that favor as they have helped me out several times. The child’s name is [NAME REDACTED And her grandmother’s name is[NAME REDACTED] they live in [CITY REDACTED]
Winner 2 - Shawna
[NAME REDACTED]-diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer a few months ago. She’s been doing treatment, working while only taking off for treatment days, & never complains. She’s always sweet & positive. A true blessing of a person to be around.
Winner 3 - Amy
I am nominating my co worker, [NAME REDACTED]. [NAME REDACTED] is a paraprofessional (teacher's aide) at [WORKPLACE REDACTED], and despite making very little money per hour she always has a smile on her face and has a genuine love in her heart for all of the students within our school. She is a single mom of 3 kids (ages 5-10,) and she recently lost her mother, who was her last living immediate family member. This holiday season will be extremely hard for [NAME REDACTED] and her kids. [NAME REDACTED]was on her way to a special birthday trip last month when she got the call that her mom was being moved to Hospice of WF, and a few days later she passed. [NAME REDACTED] was off of work for several weeks, and this gift card would help her family out so much. Her selfless love for her kids, her students, and her co workers is the reason that when I heard about this on the radio, I immediately thought of [NAME REDACTED]. Please help out this special and caring mom of 3, and "school mom" to 65 kids. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Winner 4 - Vicki
[NAME REDACTED], I am nominating her because she works hard every day, even working over time, to provide for herself and her two little girls. She always wants to help others and rarely does anything for herself. She just moved into her own place and is finally starting to get her life back on track after leaving an abusive relationship. She doesn't have much and for her to be able to have a nice Thanksgiving dinner without having to struggle to make this dinner come true would be an amazing gift.
Winner 5 - Lathena
I am nominating [NAME REDACTED]. I am thankful for everything she does to serve our patients. Despite having to have a kidney removed due to cancer this past year she continues to come to work and give 100% to our patients. She is under paid and overworked in my opinion and a free Thanksgiving meal would go a long ways to say thank you for giving 100% to our patients despite all you've endored this past year.
I want to say thank you to everyone that submitted these stories over the past week. I wish we could hook everyone up, but we only had so many we could give away. Another big thank you to the United Family for the gift cards because without them this would not have been possible.
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