Texas Wendy’s in Sign Battle With Local Tea Company [PHOTOS]
Looks like the savage Wendy's twitter account is taking over real life.
Wendy's campaign online has gone into trolling other fast food restaurants. When McDonald's posts something, Wendy's comes in with a smartass comment. I love it, definitely worth a follow. Wendy's trolling ways has surfaced at a Texas restaurant and they're having a friendly battle with Pure Water Ice and Tea Company.
Over the past month, the two have had a friendly sign battle going on. According to reports, it was actually Pure Water that called out Wendy's first. My personal favorite is the final one that is up. Wendy's says 'Wendy's parking only. Violators will be served Pure Water.' Pure Water responded by saying, 'Good thing our tea is stronger than your sign game'.
I love it. Keep it going you two. If you happen to be in the Lubbock area, go check these two out. They're located on 4th and Frankford.
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