The Texas City Ranked Second-Worst for Cyberbullying in the U.S.
Cyberbullying is a problem everywhere, but it's a major problem in one Texas city.
I feel sorry for kids these days. It’s one thing to get bullied by someone in person. But bullies tend to pile on in large numbers on the internet. Yes, internet trolls can be relentless.
I also agree with those who believe cyberbullying is worse than traditional bullying. People can be extremely vicious while enjoying the comfort of internet anonymity.

Don’t get me wrong – cyberbullying affects people of all ages. However, it has been linked to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem in children.
The thing about cyberbullying is that it’s incredibly difficult to police. If a bully beats up a child in real life, they can be put in jail and face assault and battery charges.
However, cyberbullies are next to impossible to track down. In fact, doxing is generally looked down upon. I can understand instances in which the doxing is done with malicious intent.
But, for my money, anyone who inflicts emotional damage on others deserves to be exposed.
Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that cyberbullying is here to stay. That genie is not going back in the bottle.
So, it helps to know the areas in which cyberbullying is more widespread. And let me tell you – it is a huge problem in Houston.
A study conducted by Mattress Next Day placed Space City at Number 2 on the list, behind Atlanta:
With 2,114,046 cyberbullying-related key terms being used in the last year for a population of 2,007,805, that equates to a sizeable total of 10,529.1 cyberbullying key terms per 10,000 residents.
Wow. There were more cyberbullying-related search terms than there were residents in the last year. Let that sink in.
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