Add this to the list of things I didn't know.

I am always on the hunt to find strange Wichita Falls mentions in pop culture. This one though is from one of my favorite 80's movies, 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'. I believe everyone has seen this movie and if you haven't, go watch it this weekend. Throughout the movie, people send stuff to Ferris because they believe he is sick, some folks even think he is dying.


At one point in the movie, Ferris' sister comes home to find out if he is really sick or faking it. Looks like someone decided to send Ferris a strippergram.

Famous Wichita Falls Actress

First of all, why in the hell is Louie Anderson in this scene?! I guess there's a balloon guy as well and who in the hell is that guy in the pink mask?! What the hell is going on in this fifteen seconds? Let's be honest, we have only paid attention to the nurse in this scene our entire lives.

I heard that you were feeling ill. Headache, fever, and a chill. I came to help restore your pluck, cause I'm the nurse who likes to...

We have guessed what that next line is for decades at this point, could be suck could be...


Turns out that nurse is Stephanie Blake who was born right here in Wichita Falls, Texas back in 1954. She apparently was a famous burlesque dancer and that's how she got her role in this iconic 80's movie.

Other Stephanie Blake Roles in Movies

She also was in the 1990 movie 'The Invisible Maniac' Which is about an invisible scientist escapes from an asylum and teaches high-school physics to nubile teens.

The Sure Thing

She plays the bar maid in this 1985 John Cusack road trip movie.

Throughout the years, she has had minor roles in other television and movie productions. Her last acting credit is from 2011. Nowadays, it looks like Stephanie still helps out with burlesque festivals around the country since that is what made her famous in the first place.

So all these years that you have chuckled at that nurse scene, turns out it was someone born in Wichita Falls giving you a laugh.

Ten Movies You DIDN'T Know Were Shot in Texas

We have plenty of classic movies filmed in Texas that brag they're set in Texas. What about the movies that are shot here that pretend to be somewhere else? This is what we're taking a look at today.

This Wichita Falls Home Was Once a Recording Studio

Back in the day, Wichita Falls was home to Nesman Studio. Who had some very famous clintel come in throughout the years, including Buddy Holly. Today though, the recording studio is gone and it's just a house at 3108 York Avenue. Check it out below.

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