666😈New Laws Go Into Effect Here in Texas Today
It's September 1st, you may think of fall, rent is due, but it also means a lot of new laws are going into effect today. 666 to be exact.
Over the past few months, we have been keeping you up to date with a bunch of new laws that will be going into effect today. For instance, law enforcement can seize vehicles involved in a street race. Some laws went into effect the moment they were signed, like vaccine passports being banned in Texas. Here are some of the 666 laws that I found interesting.

Permitless Carry:
House Bill 1927 allows Texans ages 21 and older to carry handguns without training or a license as long as they are not legally prevented from doing so.
Medical marijuana expansion:
I will always say, Texas taking steps forward when it comes to medical marijuana expansion will always be a good thing, even though they're baby steps, they're moving forward. People with any form of cancer or post-traumatic stress disorder now have access to low-THC cannabis for medical purposes. Conditions such as epilepsy and autism already had access to this program here in Texas.
"Star Spangled Banner Protection Act":
If a professional sports team in Texas accepts state funding (which all of them do), they're required to play the national anthem before all sporting events.
Reducing pre-K class sizes:
This is a good one for you parents, SB 2081 puts a cap on the maximum amount of students in a per-kindergarten class at 22.
Active shooter alert system:
This one honestly worries me, mainly because I feel the alerts for Texas are WAY too broad. I get alerts for incidents in El Paso EIGHT HOURS AWAY. The alert system in Texas I believe needs to be changed because most people tune them out. However, this new alert will be for active shooters in your area. The system can be activated by request of local law enforcement. We will see if the alerts actually coincide to our area once they go off.
Police body cameras:
This law his named after Botham Jean who was murdered while sitting in his Dallas apartment. HB 929 requires police officers to keep body cameras on during the entirety of active investigations.
Banning unnecessary police chokeholds:
Police officers are now prohibited from using chokeholds or excessive force during arrests unless necessary to prevent officer or bystander injury under SB 69. Officers who witness violations are required to report the incident.
Online ballot tracking system:
HB 1382 creates an online tracking system for mail-in ballots and applications for mail-in ballots. The system will be run by the Texas Secretary of State.
Earlier Alcohol Sales on Sundays:
Beer and wine can now be sold starting at 10 AM on Sundays, the old law was at noon. Which would really screw me over sometimes during a noon Cowboys game.
I am obviously not going to go through 666 laws, but these are the ones that just caught my attention and may affect me in the future. If you want more info, the Texas Tribune has a lovely article on a lot more laws that went into effect today.
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