Vaccine Passports Now Prohibited In Lone Star State
If you want the vaccine, by all means get the shot. If you don't want to be vaccinated, that's fine, too. It's good to be a Texan where we're free to make those choices for ourselves.
Now, Governor Abbott has made it clear that he's not going to put up with businesses getting involved in your personal choices by requiring you to tell them your vaccination status regarding COVID-19.
While some places are actively promoting the idea of vaccination passports, Texas is taking a stand for privacy and free choice. Governor Greg Abbott recently signed into law a prohibition against them in the Lone Star State.
Saying that Texas is open 100%, Governor Abbott signed the law on a short video posted to his Facebook page. He went on to say,
No business or government entity can require a vaccine passport or any other vaccine information as a condition of receiving any service or entering any place.
Vaccine passports are now prohibited in the Lone Star State.
He then thanked the Texas legislature for getting the bill to his desk.
It is important to note that while there is currently no such thing as a 'vaccine passport' some businesses in other states are reportedly pushing for some sort of documentation of one's vaccination status before allowing them to enter at all or to enter without masks.
In Texas the choice of whether to get the vaccine or not is left up to the individual. Do your homework, asses the risks and benefits of both options, then make up your own mind.
It's good to be a Texan.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
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