Wichita Falls City Council Meeting Gets a Little Testy Yesterday [VIDEO]
Some folks got a little angry yesterday.
Times Record News gave us a great breakdown of what happened during yesterday's city council meeting. As always the public can attend the city council meetings and you can watch on the city's YouTube page. District 5 Councilor Steve Jackson wanted the public to be aware of 4A and 4B boards.
It's clear that Steve wanted the public to be aware of the spending going on. Mayor Stephen Santellana let Steve know that this is all public knowledge and that anybody could look this information up. I guess Steve just wanted it to be known during the city council meeting as well.
Also it looks like Steve Jackson wanted to be members on those boards, but state laws prevent him from doing so since they're only allowed so many members. The exchange starts just before the 1 hour and 12 minute mark in the video above. It actually goes on for about twelve minutes and you can tell Steve is passionate about this and was getting a little frustrated.
Like I said in the beginning of my post, TRN has a great breakdown on some of the loses from the 4A and 4B boards. They're charged with promoting economic development and public improvements and can recommend spending of tax dollars to the City Council. We will see what happens once Mr. Jackson gets his record requests back because I'm sure he would love to share that information at another city council meeting in the future.