Shiner Bock Wins Gold in International Beer Competition
Shiner is probably the most popular Texas beer and turns out it is one of the best worldwide.
If I want a beer to be judged by a certain country, I want it to be judged by Germany. Germans know a thing or two about beer. Over in Nuremburg, Germany, they had the 2020 European Beer Star competition. Beers from all over the world came into compete for the gold. Shiner Bock took home the gold in the 'session beer' category.
I'll be honest, what in the heck is a session beer? Session beer is not defined by flavors or aromas, which can place it in almost any style category. Instead, what makes a session beer is primarily refreshment and drink-ability. So what is the most refreshing beer? That is what I am taking as the session category.
The American-style dark lager Shiner Bock placed at the top of the class. “We are very proud of our flagship Shiner Bock, so to receive this gold medal for it from one of the largest and most competitive beer competitions in the world is incredibly gratifying,” Shiner Brewmaster Jimmy Mauric said in a release.
2,000 beers from more than 40 countries competed at the European Beer Star, where a 72-member panel of master brewers, beer sommeliers and connoisseurs took part in a two-and-a-half-day blind tasting. This will be the second time that Shiner Bock has walked away with a gold medal from this particular competition.
So congratulations, Shiner Bock and celebrate with a refreshing beer. Turns out you make the most refreshing in the world. At least according to the European Star Beer competition.