Oklahoma Votes to Legalize Medical Marijuana
The people of Oklahoma have spoken and this is a big step in the right direction.
For two years, an activist group in Oklahoma has been sending out a signature drive for State Question 788. 788 is for the approval of medical marijuana in the state of Oklahoma. This would make it legal to grow, sell and use marijuana for medicinal purposes.
Under the proposed law, a two-year medical marijuana license would allow someone to possess up to 8 ounces of marijuana, six mature plants and six seedlings, along with edibles and concentrated forms of the drug. In Oklahoma City, Robert Pemberton, said he supported the measure because he believed it's been beneficial in other states that have legalized medical marijuana.
"They've got excess money, and we need that, especially for our teachers," Pemberton said. "I think we need the revenue from it. I think we need the money. Our state's in trouble financially and I think it would really help." Oklahoma is one of the more conservative states to legalize medical marijuana. I think it is a good thing in my opinion, but of course, they have some opposition.
"This is a bad public health policy that does not resemble a legitimate medical treatment program," said Dr. Kevin Taubman, former president of the Oklahoma State Medical Association and chairman of the opposition group.
Here in Texas, we do have medical marijuana dispensaries. Those are only for people with a very rare form of epilepsy. Maybe one day Texas will do something like our neighbors to the north. We will have to wait for a vote one day in our state to see.
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