Looks Like a Portion of Highway 287 Could Be Named After President Trump
Looks like they have chosen a different stretch of highway to name after the President.
You may remember back in November I told you about Senators Nathan Dahn and Marty Quinn wanting to rename a portion of Historic Route 66 after President Trump. That bill received a lot of backlash since Historic Route 66 is arguably the most famous highway in the country. They were also criticized since the highway was in neither one of their districts.
Once again, the two are not putting the highway in either of their districts. This highway is about six hours away from their districts. This time they're going with a twenty mile stretch of Highway 287. It goes from Boise City, Oklahoma to the Texas border line. The bill passed a Senate committee on Tuesday.
We will see if everything goes as planed for President Donald J. Trump Highway in the future.