Fists Flying and Lots of Screaming – It’s 2 am in Dallas, Texas
We just can’t have nice things anymore.
I remember the good ol’ days when I would make the trek down to Dallas to catch one of my favorite bands at one of the clubs in Deep Ellum and wasn’t concerned that someone would try to knock my teeth out.
Those were much simpler times.

However, these days, it seems like many of the people headed out for a night in Deep Ellum are hoping to find some fisticuffs. At least that’s the vibe I get based on the videos that come out of there on a regular basis.
While I lived in Arlington for a little over a year back in 1999-2000, I’m not a Dallas native. And I’ve heard many locals say that Deep Ellum kind of has its ups and downs. I’ve been told that the city will clean it up and it will be a cool place to hang for a while before it goes to pot again.
So, apparently, it’s been in one of those “down cycles” here in recent years.
But I will allow that the old saying that nothing good happens after midnight is mostly true, no matter where you are. And the later it gets, the more likely those who are imbibing are to get rowdy.
A couple of dudes got rowdy last Saturday night / Sunday morning at around 2 am. The result was one dude face down in the street wearing handcuffs, the other in a ripped t-shirt, and a woman screaming her lungs out.
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