As their first season winds up to the final championship game this Saturday evening against the Amarillo Bombers, the FC Wichita Falls Falls Town Flyers received several awards from the US Arena Pro Soccer League.

The League just issued a press release awarding several of the clubs with 2019 awards and the Falls Town Flyers won three as a club and two for individual team members.

Image courtesy USAPSL
Image courtesy USAPSL

On the club level the Flyers took home the award for Franchise of the Year. This award is given to the best overall team over the course of a given season. The factors going into the decision are attendance, sales, public relations, marketing, efforts to impruve the USAPSL as a whole, performance on the field, community involvement, participation on league matters, and overall representation of the USAPSL.

Their second club award was for Community Relations. This award is given to the team that most exemplified outstanding service and dedication to their home community.

The third club level award was for Media Relations. This award is given to the team that had the most outstanding media relations performance over the course of the season.

On an individual level Nathan Clark took home the Defensive Player of the Year award and Josh Peloquin took home the Sportsman of the Year award.

Image courtesy USAPSL
Image courtesy USAPSL


And if that's not enough to get you excited about this fun new addition to Wichita Falls, they're also on their way to the US Arena Pro Soccer League Championship game this Saturday!

Image courtesy FC Wichita Falls Falls Town Flyers
Image courtesy FC Wichita Falls Falls Town Flyers

The Flyers will be facing the league's number one team, the Amarillo Bombers, Saturday evening (July 27) at the Amarillo Civic Center. The gates open at 5:00 p.m. and the game starts at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are just $10 and you can reserve yours by calling the Falls Town Flyers office at 940-264-5425.

Congratulations on a GREAT first season to the entire team and staff of the Falls Town Flyers!

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