Dallas Company Wants to Bring Back a Woolly Mammoth, Is This a Good Idea?
Should we bring back an animal that has not been around for 10,000 years?
Whenever someone wants to bring back an extinct creature. I think of Ian Malcolm's speech from 'Jurassic Park'. "Dinosaurs had their shot, and nature selected them for extinction." It looks like a group of scientists in Dallas want to bring an extinct creature back. The Woolly Mammoth, when folks think of the Ice Age, this is the animal that comes to many folks mind.
It has been debated for years that either humans killed off the creatures or the warming planet caused the creatures to die off. According to a study from the University of California at Berkley, the mammoths' genomes "were falling apart right before they went extinct". Dr. Rebekah Rogers said, was the first case of "genomic meltdown" in a single species.
The study on mammoths is what many scientists use nowadays to help endangered animals from dying off. Once a population becomes so small, you can only keep breeding between the animals for so long before the animals could eventually go extinct. Would it be possible to bring back a Woolly Mammoth today?
^Just a few months ago in Yukon, Canada a baby Woolly Mammoth was found preserved in ice for tens of thousands of years. Miners were looking for gold when they stumbled upon the preserved fossil. Dallas based Colossal Laboratories and Biosciences want to bring back a Woolly Mammoth by 2027.
The company is not trying to play God, from their website. They have ten reasons to bring back the Woolly Mammoth.
- To decelerate melting of Arctic Permafrost
- To prevent emissions of greenhouse gases from Arctic permafrost layer
- To revert overshrubbed forests back to natural Arctic grasslands
- To restore the Mammoth Steppe
- To foster an ecosystem that can maintain it's own defenses against climate change
- To understand the dominant traits in cold resistant genomes
- To save modern elephants from extinction
- To establish a proven link between genetic sciences and climate change
- To equip nature with a resilience against humanity's adverse effects on vital ecosystems
- To drive advancements in Multiplex CRISPER editing
Two of these things I needed more information on. What the hell is the Mammoth Steppe and what is CRISPER editing?
The Mammoth Steppe was an ecosystem of Grasslands that helped absorb carbon. "If the Mammoth Steppe ecosystem could be revived, it could help in reversing the rapid warming of the climate and more pressingly, protect the arctic’s permafrost," according to their site.
CRISPER stands for (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) it is programmed to look for specific strands of genetic code and edit its DNA. This is not just being used to clone animals. It is being used in treating conditions such as hereditary diseases, viral infections and HIV.
We will see if a Woolly Mammoth is coming out of Dallas in 2027. Would be pretty crazy thing to see happen in the next four years out of Texas.
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