You Can Have a Pretzel, With Stanley, On Pretzel Day in Texoma
This may be the greatest thing to happen in the history of Texoma. Yeah, I said it.
If you're a fan of 'The Office' you know about Pretzel Day. The one day out of the year that Stanley Hudson looks forward to and don't you dare cut in that pretzel line. Pretzel day is actually right around the corner on April 26. Somehow, we have the honor, neigh the privilege, to enjoy Pretzel day with Stanley.
Whose real name is Leslie David Baker. He will be at Commanche Red River Hotel and Casino, they say they will have some pretzels as well. He will be there from 7-10 at night for pretzel day. I'm super stoked for this and I hope I can get a pretzel with the works like Michael got on that episode.