Wichita County Sheriff Warns of Missed Jury Duty Scam
The missed jury duty phone scam is making the rounds again.
A caller claiming to be a deputy with the Wichita County Sheriff’s Office has been informing individuals they have missed jury duty and a warrant has been issued for their arrest.
The caller is telling individuals they risk jail time unless they go to a store and purchase a large amount of prepaid debit cards and give them the cards’ information over the phone.
The Wichita County Sheriff’s Office will contact you via mail - never by phone - if you happen to miss jury duty or have a warrant for your arrest. In addition, the Sheriff’s Office will never ask you to process a payment over the phone.
If you or someone you know has been contacted by someone claiming to be with the Sheriff’s Office and you question the legitimacy of the call, contacted the office at (940)766-8100 ext. 8170.