What is the Average Credit Score in Wichita Falls?
So are you better or below the average for Wichita Falls?
We always try to keep up these surveys from our friends at WalletHub. Wichita Falls actually got a shout out in their latest one for credit scores. I got to be honest, my credit score is something I tend not to think about. Then when adulthood hits you in the face, you realize how important that thing is. Your three digit number is something that a lot of different businesses will look at.
2,572 cities in the country made the list for Wallet Hub's survey. Wichita Falls came in 1864 in the country with a credit score of 669 (nice).
That puts us in the 28th percentile rank. Other Texas cities that are in that rank with us are Abilene, Athens, Greenville, Henderson, Lubbock, San Angelo, Seguin, Temple, and Victoria. A bunch of those cities are ones that Wichita Falls is constantly compared to, so that makes sense. Only one Oklahoma city is in that percentile with us and that would be Sapulpa.
So what city has the worst credit score? Actually a three way tie with Camden, New Jersey...Chester, Pennsylvania...and East Saint Louis, Illnois. What about the best? Only one reins supreme and that would be The Villages in Florida with an average credit score of 807.
If you want to read the full survey, you can check it out here. Hopefully we can get Wichita Falls a little higher the next time they do this in 2022.
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