Let’s talk about two of my favorite things: partying and Texas. 

I’ve partied in just about every major city in the Lone Star State. El Paso is the only one I haven’t checked off my Texas Party Bucket List. And boy, was I oh so close once. However, life had different plans, and I had to cancel my trip.

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Otherwise, I’ve raised hell all across this great state of ours. So yeah, I know a little something about the great party cities of Texas. 

The thing about major cities is that they never sleep. That’s why you will hear them referred to as 24-hour cities. And cities that never sleep know how to party. 

Anyway, I came across an article by Mattress Next Day that ranked the best 24-hour cities around the world and found one Texas city to be among the best party cities in the United States. Honestly, the results weren’t all that surprising to me. 

That’s because I have been to Austin many, many times in my life and have had one hell of a time every single time. The city that is all about keeping it weird was ranked the fourth-best party city in the nation. 

Everyone knows college towns are always among the best places to party. But Austin is so much more than a college town. 

Our state capital is also known as the live music capital of the world. Just spend a few hours on Sixth Street and you’ll know why. Yes, music is the heart and soul of Austin. And everybody knows music is the life of the party.

Most Popular Fast Food Chains in Texas Ranked

The website Vegas Insider has ranked the most popular fast food chains in Texas after looking at Google data. Do you think the following are really the most popular? What about number 1?

Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty

21 of the Funniest Personalized License Plates Rejected in Texas

Adding a personalized license plate to your vehicle is a fun extension of your personality. We do see a lot of them on the road but even more have been rejected by the state.

Gallery Credit: Michael Gibson, Townsquare Media / myplates.com

List of the Longest Standing Restaurants in Texas

These iconic restaurants have all been around for a long time and are very loved by Texans.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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