Texas Rangers Announce Some Gross Food Options for 2018 Season
One thing you can guarantee from the Texas Rangers every year is some amazing food. But this year doesn't look so good, in my opinion.
Ever since the Rangers introduced the giant boomstick hot dog, they have come out with crazy food each and every year. My personal favorite was in 2013, the two-foot-long quesadilla. Please bring that back! Yesterday, the Rangers unveiled what fans can expect at Globe Life Park for 2018.
Lay’s Home Plate Chicken Sandwich: A full-size chicken breast split, crusted in Lay’s Original chips and fried. Layered on a giant bun with lettuce, tomato, spicy mayo and more Lay’s chips. Available at the Flew the Coop Stand at section 50. $27.50
The Dilly Dog: A hollowed-out pickle is stuffed with an Angus beef jumbo dog, then battered and fried. $10 bucks. Available at State Fare Stand in Section 41.
The Triple B: A bacon, brisket and bologna sandwich. $18; available at the Homeplate Butcher Block at Section 24 and the Smokehouse 557 at Section 49.
Cheetos Jalapeño Bacon Dog: A bacon-wrapped hotdog covered in Cheetos cheese sauce, then topped with jalapeños and more Cheetos. $11 for the full-size version. Available at the American Dog Stand at Sections 22 and 48.
The 7th Inning Cinnamon Roll: It looks kinda like a huge, battered cinnamon roll lollipop, made with cinnamon roll and funnel cake batter. $10; available at State Fare Stand, Section 41.
Rold Gold waffle cone: A waffle cone, with Rold Gold pretzels mixed in, stuck into a scoop of Blue Bell Ice Cream. $9.25; available at the Ice Cream Stands at Sections 11 and 23.
Vegan Nacho Grande: Tostitos tortilla chips topped with house-made vegan chili and vegan cheese sauce, lettuce, tomato, olives and Beyond Crumbles. Available at the Ballpark Vegan Stand at section 16. $13
I personally think that dilly dog sounds like I would be stretching in the seventh inning to vomit. I love Cheetos and that hot dog sounds sketchy to me. Vegans have an option, but I have had vegan chili. It's not for me. The cinnamon roll with funnel cake sounds like a diabetic coma. The other options sound fine. The only thing I would probably get is the Rold Gold ice cream on a hot Sunday afternoon game.
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