Texas Has It’s Own ‘You Can’t Wear White After Labor Day’ Style Rule
Well it's Labor Day and the day should be celebrated in taking some time off of work. Meanwhile I am sitting here writing this, but I want to take a look at one thing that has always driven me nuts with this holiday.
Labor day is a day where we're supposed to be showing some love to the American workers and giving them a well deserved day off. A lot of people also consider this day the official end to summer. To me, it's when school starts for the kiddos. Summer is over then, I don't care how hot it is outside still here in Texas.
However, my entire life a phrase has perplexed the hell out of me. "You can't wear white after Labor Day." Why? Seriously, I am the least fashionable person you will ever meet in your life. T shirt and jeans every day of the week for me, but why has this always been in the back of my head? I have heard it in pop culture my entire life. Who the hell cares what color shirt you wear tomorrow?
Turns out this an outdated fashion concept from over 100 years ago, that for some reason people still take as gospel. According to this article from Time magazine, the rich that were able to vacation in warmer climates would return up north and bust out their darker fall colors to stay warm after Labor Day.

In doing some more research, I discovered that Texas has it's own similiar rule, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram. Apparently tomorrow, folks that wear straw cowboy hats are supposed to switch to felt cowboy hats in order to stay more warm. Well, we're chilling in the mid 90's here in Wichita Falls, so I don't think you need to switch just yet.
Honestly, I could give a damn what anybody wears. It literally has zero affect on me. So wear a white tshirt and straw cowboy hat tomorrow. I promise you, the world will keep on spinning.
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