Texans Named Strongest People in the Country
Pat yourself on the muscles Texans because we have the strongest people in the country.
I don't know about you, but my workouts have been slacking since this coronavirus craziness hit. I haven't been in a gym since March. I'm doing at home workouts and they're not the same. I can't wait to go lift some weights and I got to remember to not hurt myself. I haven't lifted in quite some time.
However, it looks like some of you have been working hard. At least according to the fine folks at Lift Vault. They're an online resource for powerlifting, bodybuilding and strength training. They have analyzed data and set out to determine where in America do the country’s physically strongest men and women live.
Guess what Texas? We're number one in the country. That's right, kiss those muscles. All your hard work is finally paying off.The study focused on 5 years of data on 3 main powerlifting categories – the squat, the bench press, and a deadlift.
Texas' results Average squat: 687 lbs., Average bench press: 438 lbs., and Average deadlift: 742 lbs. Lift Vault’s founder, Kyle Risley, says: “Any ‘regular’ gym goer looking at this data shouldn’t get too disheartened if they compare to their own PRs! The data comes from people who take their powerlifting quite seriously, however, it does serve the purpose of identifying where America’s strongest men and women reside, and therefore I tip my hat and offer congratulations to the good people of Texas – officially America’s strongest!”