Legendary Wichita Falls Baseball Teams to Be Honored with Historical MarkerLegendary Wichita Falls Baseball Teams to Be Honored with Historical MarkerA massive part of Wichita Falls history will finally be getting some historical recognition from the state of Texas.StrykerStryker
Hilarious Munchie Mitt Turns Baseball Glove Into Hot Dog HolderHilarious Munchie Mitt Turns Baseball Glove Into Hot Dog HolderYes, this is actually a real thing. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coach Appears to Trip Young Girl Catching Foul Ball in TexasCoach Appears to Trip Young Girl Catching Foul Ball in TexasAlarming Incident Unfolds as First Base Coach Allegedly Trips Young Girl at East Texas Softball Game.Eric RyanEric Ryan
The Longest Game in Texas High School Sports History Took Place Over the WeekendThe Longest Game in Texas High School Sports History Took Place Over the WeekendThe teams played the equivalent of 2.5 games over the weekend in one game. StrykerStryker
This North Texas Home Has It’s Own Baseball FieldThis North Texas Home Has It’s Own Baseball FieldIf you build it, they will come and I want to come buy this house. StrykerStryker
Here’s Where You Can Take A Photo With The Texas Rangers Championship TrophyHere’s Where You Can Take A Photo With The Texas Rangers Championship TrophyKeep Reading Below For Details And Start Making Plans To Head Over To See Our Friends In Grant, Oklahoma Soon!Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
If You Love Golf Simulators, Baseball Simulators Now Coming to Texas [VIDEO]If You Love Golf Simulators, Baseball Simulators Now Coming to Texas [VIDEO]You may not be able to afford a trip to one of those golf courses that the pros play on, so many folks play on a golf simulator. How would you like to hit a home run in professional baseball stadium? Now you can!StrykerStryker
How Much Does a Minor League Baseball Ticket Cost Across Texas? How Much Does a Minor League Baseball Ticket Cost Across Texas? It's almost baseball time in Texas and you may not know how many minor league teams are in our great state.StrykerStryker
Fans Believe That 2021 Was The Texas Rangers Most Embarrassing YearFans Believe That 2021 Was The Texas Rangers Most Embarrassing YearAccording to a new study, Texas Rangers fans believe that 2021 was the team’s worst season in the franchise’s history.Sean AlanSean Alan
The Texas Rangers Cancel The First Seven Games Of The 2022 SeasonThe Texas Rangers Cancel The First Seven Games Of The 2022 SeasonThe 2022 baseball season is off to a late start. The Texas Rangers have had to cancel the first seven games of the 2022 season due to the MLB lockout. Sean AlanSean Alan
Let's Take a Look Back at the Wichita Falls SpuddersLet's Take a Look Back at the Wichita Falls SpuddersI hate this MLB lockout right now and I need some baseball in my life. So let's take a look back at Wichita Falls own team, The Spudders.StrykerStryker
Oklahoma Man Beaten with a Bat After Exposing Himself to a ChildOklahoma Man Beaten with a Bat After Exposing Himself to a ChildNow stepping up to plate, one pissed off mom.StrykerStryker