Oklahoma Couple Too High on Meth to Take Baby With Severe Burns to the Hospital
Meth, not...even...once.
Up in Ada, Oklahoma a sixteen-day-old infant needed to be treated for severe burns. The baby was being watched by a family friend, who decided to give the infant a bath. The friend accidentally shut off the cold water instead of the hot. So scalding hot water was pouring onto the baby.
The teen girl told her mother, who then called the infant’s parents, 25-year-old Patrick Edward Eddy and 26-year-old Candace Mercedes Matthews. Eddy and Matthews then picked up the child and took her home. The next day, the family friend went to their home to check on the baby.
The teen walked into the home and found the baby crying. The baby's diaper was also full of urine and feces. The couple was asleep in the bed next to the baby. The baby's burn appeared worse according to the teen and asked the parents if she could take them to the hospital.
The teen took the baby to a local hospital, where she was then flown to an Oklahoma City hospital to be treated for her severe burns. According to the Ada News, the infant suffered first- and second-degree burns over 40-percent of her body. City officials told the Ada News that the infant will reportedly be transferred to a burn center in Texas, where she will spend at least one month recovering.
According to the affidavit, the infant’s parents, Eddy and Matthews, admitted to police during questioning they did not take the child to the hospital because they were high on methamphetamine and were unaware of the extent of the baby’s injuries. Eddy and Matthews were arrested for child neglect. They were both booked into jail on a $250,000 bond.
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