HUGE Meth Bust in Texoma, Two Remain on the Run in the Case
We have been hearing a lot about meth lately and I am happy to report a big operation in Texoma has been shut down.

Looks like late last week a massive drug bust took place in Baylor County, Texas. Officers from several different organizations came together for what they have dubbed 'Operation Baylor Breakdown'. The Texas DPS Criminal Investigations Division, Drug Enforcement Administration, Seymour Police Department and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, all came together to arrest NINE individuals.
Who Was Arrested in Operation Baylor Breakdown?
Suspects Still at Large in Meth Operation
Humberto Quezada, age 40, of Seymour
Jessie Leo Lara, age 32, of Seymour
^If you know either of these two individuals and you know there whereabouts, you're urged to call the Seymour Police Department immidiatly. Local District Attorney Hunter Brooks shared the mugshots of the individuals which you can see below.
Since it is primarily my job to play music for you every day. I would like to dedicate the following song to these individuals as 'Operation Baylor Breakdown' sounds like it was a success.
For No Particular Reason, Here is Busted in Baylor County by Shooter Jennings
Texoma's Most Wanted Fugitives of the Week March 31, 2023
Texoma's Most Wanted Fugitives for 3/24/23
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