Most Popular Christmas Candy by State and Oklahoma Somehow Messes It Up
Oklahoma, we need to talk about your taste in Christmas candy.
People are starting to get Christmas ready around the house. Lights on the house, tree getting decorated, maybe wrapping some presents. Another thing would be the stockings going up and what do you put in them? Maybe some small toys, if you're older maybe some scratch-offs. No matter how old you're, some candy has to be a part of that stocking.
The fine folks at The Candy Store have done their latest map for 2018 of Christmas candy. I see so many Christmas classics. Reeses mini cups in their Christmas color wrapping, red and green M&Ms, and of course candy canes. I learned that the people that make candy corn are trying to invade Christmas with Reindeer Corn. Candy Corn people, stay in October.
At least that is Christmas related, Oklahoma has chosen Starburst as their favorite Christmas candy. In what universe is Starburst a Christmas candy? Never in my life have I been like, thank goodness it is December, I can get my Starburst now. I legit had to look up to see if Starburst had a Christmas collection. To my surprise, they actually do.
The Starburst 'Merry Mix'. I have never seen that in my life. I do love Starburst to any offended Oklahomans. I have just never in my life thought of that as a Christmas candy. Oklahoma has a top three of Starburst, Reindeer Corn and Skittles. Oklahoma, you need to make better Christmas candy choices in 2019. Do better.
Texas has their heads screwed on right for this survey. Their top three are Reeses Mini Cups, Peppermint Bark and Candy Canes. I think we can all agree those are traditional Christmas candies. My personal favorite are those giant chocolate Santas. Can't go wrong with biting the head off of one those things.
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