Back in May we let you know this was a proposal being thrown around in Lawton. Looks the city budget approved the plan for once a week trash collection, but they're also adding a new bulk program.

City of Lawton approved their budget that will go into effect on July 1st. Included in that budget is trash service which will move to once a week. The trash service will not be changing at the beginning of July once the budget goes into effect. They plan on starting the new once a week service in the fall. The Lawton Constitution says the earliest this plan would go into effect would be October.

By moving to once a week trash service, the city will save $400,000 annually. The reason why they cannot start immediately is because the city needs new equipment and new training procedures will need to be done as well. If you're someone in Lawton that really needs that twice a week pickup. For an additional five dollars a month, you can get a second bin dropped off at your residence.

I know this sounds like the city is only taking from you, but they did actually add something as well to this new trash plan. Lawton also plans to add once a month bulk pickup. As long as debris fits into a 6-foot by 6-foot area that is no taller than 4 feet the city will pick it up once a month for you. Lawton will be divided into four zones and once a month the bulk pickup will happen per zone.

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