Here Is What Makes Texas The Number 1 State For Going Mad In March
It's no secret that Texas is all about college sports. Texans love our college football, basketball, baseball, softball, and every other sport under the sun, if it's played at the college level. It should come as no surprise, then, that no other state goes as mad as we do in March.
Texas Is The Top State For Those Who Enjoy March Madness
Of course, Texas is the top spot in the country for enjoying a little March Madness. There shouldn't have ever been any doubt. Just in case there are any naysayers, a study was recently done that proves Texas is the best place for madness in March.
According to a study done by TicketSource, Texas ranks number one in the nation for celebrating bracket season. Their findings are insane; especially when you compare us to the average American.
Almost Half Of Texas Will Be Filling Out At Least One Bracket
According to the study, 49% of Texans will fill out at least one bracket. The most interesting part of this part of the study is that Texans spend 38 minutes on average researching the teams before filling the bracket out.
According to the study, the average top prize in Texas for a bracket is $6,607. That's not bad for 38 minutes' worth of work. My average winnings are $0, so call me impressed.
Texans Watch A Lot More Basketball Than The Average Person
The study also states that the average American will watch 13 games during the upcoming madness. Feel free to lean your head back and laugh in Texan. In the Lone Star State, we do everything big, including basketball.
The average Texan will be watching 18 games while stressing over their bracket they spent 38 minutes researching so they could win over $6,000. The only states to watch more games than us are Mississippi and Michigan. I'm not mad because it makes sense. There's not much to do in either one of those places. What else are you going to do but watch basketball?
You can see the study and the full findings by following this link. Good luck with your brackets this year. Here's to hoping we all make it past round one.
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Gallery Credit: Amazon