Coors Light Celebrating ‘Keep Texas Beautiful’ Anniversary With Donations for Every Beer Sold
Plan on having a Coors Light this summer? You will be helping out Texas everytime you buy one.
Keep Texas Beautiful is exactly what it sounds like. The non-profit organization deals with keeping litter off the land in our state, planting flowers and helping with recycling programs. Keep Texas Beautiful is celebrating their fiftieth anniversary this year. To celebrate, Coors Light is making donations all summer long.
Starting yesterday(June 7) through August 31, 2017, everytime a Coors Light is purchased at a bar here in Texas. Five cents will go to Keep Texas Beautiful. Coors Light says they're donating at least $25,000. If more beer is sold, they're willing to go up to $100,000.
Heather Killebrew, field marketing director for MillerCoors Central region said “With this program, drinkers are able to make a sustainable choice and help Keep Texas Beautiful, literally and figuratively, just by buying Coors Light at their local bars.”
Coors Light will also be coming out with some cool recycled items this summer. Like cooler bags made from recycled vinyl advertisements and grills made from recycled kegs. Coors Light also made a huge impact on the environment last year by cutting their aluminum usage by 3.8 million pounds.
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