Are You Aware of the Ghost Town Right Here in Wichita County?
Do we have any ghost towns in our area? Turns out, yes. Right here in Wichita County we used to have the town of Sunshine Hill.
When you think of a ghost town, what do you picture in your head? Me personally, I picture an abandoned old west style town with no one in it. In reality, it looks something like the picture above with random decaying buildings in the middle of nowhere. Turns out Texas has several, over 500 to be exact. So, are there any in our neck of the woods?
About 33 miles west of Wichita Falls and only 5 miles outside of Electra used to sit a town called Sunshine Hill. It apparently got it's name because of a high hill in the area that sits 1,208 feet above sea level. The sun would hit that bad boy and you could see it for miles. Maybe they were not the most clever with the name, but Sunshine Hill does sound like a nice place to live.
Back in 1889, Sunshine Hill was home to a school and that was pretty much all they had in the town. Oil was discovered in the area in the 1920s, which led to a slight boom in activity. This led to some businesses hitting the area, but according to the Texas State Historical Association. No major structures remain in the area after the 1980s making it an official ghost town.
If you want me to do some more stories on other ghost towns in our area, let me know. I believe that is all for us here in Wichita County. Looks like some exist in Archer and Clay for me to do some research on.
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