A Texas Ice Cream Shop Now Has a Flaming Hot Cheetos Ice Cream
My two guilty pleasures combining as one? Shut up and take my money.
I don't know if you have been keeping up with the Flaming Hot Cheetos news recently, but people have been getting sick from eating too much of them. I say do everything in moderation and maybe just try to wash it down with some ice cream. Even better, just mix it into your ice cream like the fine folks at Buddle Waffle Bar are doing.
Over in San Antonio, they had the genius idea to combine the tasty snack chips with vanilla ice cream. You get your hot and cold at the same time. Sounds amazing to me. You can get your scoop in a cone or a cup. Hot Cheetos milkshakes are also available as well.
If any Wichita Falls ice cream shops want to try this, please let me know. I really don't want to drive all the way to San Antonio for some ice cream.
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