Wichita Falls Woman Assaults Boyfriend and Picks His Pockets Looking for Cash
She needed money for rent and when he wouldn't give it. She allegedly tried to beat it out of him.
As always we stay classy here in Wichita Falls. Our latest incident of us staying classy happened back on May 12. Sandie Ann Morales called up her boyfriend for some rent money because that was due very soon. The two had been dating for around two years, but the man did not live with Morales. He works on the road a lot according to his statement and the two meet up on the weekends.
Morales was very persistent about getting this money for the rent. So she tracked down where this gentleman was hanging out at with some friends. She then confronted this guy about not answering his phone and still demanded that rent money. The victim still stated he didn't have any money for her. That is when Morales allegedly began punching this guy in the face. After knocking him to the ground, she then searched his pockets for money.
He told detectives she did not get away with any money. She then got into her vehicle and drove off. Another witness said Morales takes advantage of the victim and comes around when he gets his paycheck. Sandie Ann Morales was arrested on August 7 and charged with attempted robbery. She was out of the Wichita County Jail Friday on $5,000 bail.
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