In the vast array of terms people use to look for pornography online, what search terms do Texans have the hardest time getting right?

When it comes down to it, PornHub really keeps track of their traffic, knowing that their numbers drop with the premier of 'Game of Thrones' or after the release of a major video game like 'Fallout 4', and even what is the most popular genre of porn from state-to-state. Heck, PornHub even knows when people misspell the porn they're looking for.

According to PornHub's records, "Lesbian" is the most popular genre for users in Texas, but its also the one Texans have the hardest time spelling, regularly typing it as "Lebsiam". Other commonly misspelled terms include "Porm", "Henti/Hentia", and "Thresome". Most of these are understandable, hitting the letter next to the correct letter on the keyboard, or swapping letter position in the word. But there's one state I think we need to give credit to; Hawaii. The country is spelled "Philippines", but the people from there are "Filipino"? Don't worry Hawaii, its not your fault. That's just confusing.

via PornHub
via PornHub

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