What Does a Criminologist Think About The Investigation of Wilder McDaniel?
Facebook (Amber Odom)
The citizens of Wichita Falls have been wanting answers for months and very little has come out since the death of a two-year-old boy in our town.
Back in October, we found out about the death of two-year-old Jason Wilder McDaniel in our town. Last month, the autopsy results came back as “undetermined” when it comes to the manner and cause of death. People want to know what happens now. The police are currently getting as much information as possible through witnesses and from the crime scene investigation as well.
In case you missed it after the Super Bowl last night, KAUZ's Chris Horgen sat down with a criminologist to discuss the Wilder McDaniel investigation and to see what she thought about it. Doctor Casey Jordan has been involved in hundreds of cases throughout the country and she explains what is happening right now during the investigation process.
“There are a lot of witnesses to interview. There’s a lot of evidence to collect and be processed perfectly, so that if this is indeed a Homicide, if this case has to go to court, it has to be prosecutable and the police and the prosecution are going to make sure that they don’t compromise this case by saying anything out of turn,” says Dr. Jordan. “In the court of public opinion you can talk about it all you want, but they’re not going to show you what they know because if somebody is responsible for little Wilder’s death, that person is going to go to court and, going to have to pay.”
If you did not see this interview last night, you can check it out here. Right now, we wait for answers. As always, we will report to you if anything new happens in this case. I know the citizens of Wichita Falls want answers, but right now we have to wait.