This Guy’s Mug Shot Is Pure Bonkersness
Guilt may not be written all over his face, but lunacy sure is.
Noel E. Dawson Jr., 63, of North Toledo, Ohio, is the star of this instantly classic mug shot. Earlier this week, he pleaded not guilty to chasing a relative with a hatchet and, really, could a man who looks like this possibly be capable of such a heinous action?
Wait, don't answer that.
Dawson allegedly chased an unidentified member of his family with a hatchet last weekend and tried to hit the man with it, but wound up striking his car, instead.
According to the Toldeo Blade, "When Mr. Dawson was arrested, he refused to give the officer any of his information and rather just shouted obscenities, court records show."
Really, could a man who looks like this possibly be capable of such a heinous action?
Wait, don't answer that, either.
And kudos to the Blade for referring to him as "Mr. Dawson." That's a lot more respectful than the way we imagine people usually greet him: "Hey, you," "Ya bum" and "Get outta here."
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