Texas Woman Throws Soup at Restaurant Worker for Soup Being Too Hot
Things like this do not make me miss working in a restaurant.
I really think everyone in their life should have to get a job in the food service at some point. I don't think anyone that has worked in a restaurant would ever do something like this. Over in Temple, Texas Jannelle Broland was working a shift Sol De Jalisco. She is in charge of checking people out.
She deals with to go orders and people trying to pay their bill. Jannelle received a call about a complaint about a recent order of menudo. The woman on the phone claimed the soup was so hot that the plastic lid on top literally melted into the soup. According to Jannelle's Tik Tok, which you can watch above, she apologized about this and offered the woman a refund.
I won't go through everything that went on in the conversation on the phone, but the woman would eventually come back to the restaurant. No audio is present in the surveillance video above, but we can clearly see this woman take the lid off the soup and throw it at Jannelle.
Jannelle does admit, this was sometime after she had already left. So the soup was not temperature hot when it hit her face, however the seasonings did get in her eyes. She said it was like she was pepper sprayed.

“We do not condone this type of behavior and hold our citizens to the highest standard,” Temple Police Deputy Chief Allen Teston said. “If a citizen believes they have received poor service we advise them to remain civil until the problem is resolved.”
The woman's identity has not been revealed, but Jannelle says charges have been filed. The woman is also banned from the restaurant as well.
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