Texas Republicans Trying to Reclaim the Rainbow During Pride Month
With June being pride month, a lot more rainbow merch is being seen around. Looks like the Texas GOP wants to have a rainbow of their own that has nothing to do with pride month.
Keep Scrolling to Check Out the New GOP T Shirt for Sale
Since 1978, the rainbow pride flag has been used for members of LGBTQIA+. The flag has changed a lot throughout the years, but that original rainbow pride flag is still what most folks think of, when they think of pride.
Over the weekend, the Texas GOP tweeted out a shirt they're selling with a bible quote saying they're reclaiming the rainbow. The bible quote is Genesis 9:13-15. Which reads,
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.
Check Out the GOP T Shirt Below
For the sale price of $23, that shirt can be yours. I don't know how many of these are selling, but the money from the shirts goes to Win Red.
What is Win Red?
It's a way for Republicans to easily endorse Republican candidates across the country. We will see how reclaiming the Rainbow goes in Texas, but I would guess from a distance this just looks like another pride shirt. So maybe some folks would not feel comfortable wearing that, but who knows. It could be a hot seller.
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