An attempt to smash a TV with his head backfired on a Texas man. 

I love how they used the Jackass theme song as the backing music for the below video. That’s because there’s a reason they run the disclaimer warning people to not attempt those stunts at home. 

The thing about disclaimers is that many people don’t pay a lick of attention to them. They’re only in place to cover the asses of the folks behind the show.

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Anyway, I don’t know what possessed the dude to try and smash the TV with his head. If I had to guess, it would be for a little bit of internet fame. In that case, mission accomplished – even if it was for all the wrong reasons. 

I do question whether or not he actually broke his back during the stunt. He definitely hurt it, but I would be interested to hear how severe the injury is. Hopefully, his back isn’t broken. 

I’ll wrap by saying that I hope the clip will reach at least one person (most likely a male, because we’re more apt to try that sort of thing) and make them think twice before doing it.

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