Texans are in the Top 10 for Napping on the Job
It appears some of us have been getting a little extra shut eye while working from home.
The truth is that most people don’t get enough sleep. Even though eight hours of sleep is the recommended amount, most Americans average less than six hours of sleep per night, according to Study Finds.
I have to admit to falling into the category of those who sleep about six hours or so per night. The thing is, I’m one of the fortunate few who can pretty much set their own hours, so I don’t typically wake up to an alarm. However, I figure I’m getting the right amount of sleep because I rarely take naps.
It seems that I’m in line with a slight majority of Texans, judging by the results of a study by Zippia. The survey found that 44% of Texans admitted to napping while working from home, which puts the Lone Star State at Number 9 on the list behind North Dakota, Alaska, Nebraska, Delaware, Iowa, Louisiana, New Mexico and Washington.
North Dakota is by far the sleepiest state during the day with a whopping 67% of people surveyed admitting to napping while working from home. Wyoming is last on the list with no one who took the survey admitting to napping during the day.
The survey also found that overall, 15% of workers take a nap right there at the desk, while 37% head to the bed.
On top of that, 1 in 3 nappers don’t even bother to set an alarm.
Source: Zippia Napping At Work Study
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