When Can a Child Legally be Left Home Alone in Texas?When Can a Child Legally be Left Home Alone in Texas?Parents often face the dilemma of whether it's cool to leave the kiddos home alone. In Texas... there’s a law for it!Iris LopezIris Lopez
Survive the Drive: Essential Road Trip Hacks for ParentsSurvive the Drive: Essential Road Trip Hacks for ParentsHere are some hacks to make your travel time with the kiddos this holiday a little less chaotic.DanielleDanielle
Swimsuit Safety Alert: The Color Texans Should Avoid This SummerSwimsuit Safety Alert: The Color Texans Should Avoid This SummerIf you’re one of those parents who will be doing swimsuit shopping for your kids, be very cautious of the color of the swimsuit you buy them.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Crafty Dad Makes Replica Gun Safe For Kids' Nerf WeaponsCrafty Dad Makes Replica Gun Safe For Kids' Nerf WeaponsAll it took was a storage container, paint and a few hours of work to make his kids' something they'll enjoy. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Mom Blasted For Wanting Money From Child's Birthday Party GuestsMom Blasted For Wanting Money From Child's Birthday Party GuestsWait until you see how to family plans to use the money. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Internet at Odds Over Mother Who Feeds Messy Baby in Storage ToteInternet at Odds Over Mother Who Feeds Messy Baby in Storage ToteLook, the baby at least seems happy.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Interesting Trend Revealed Among Most Popular Baby Names Of 2023Interesting Trend Revealed Among Most Popular Baby Names Of 2023A baby industry website has revealed the most popular baby names so far in 2023 and those it says are at risk of becoming "extinct."Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Children Spotted Inside Texas Zoo ExhibitChildren Spotted Inside Texas Zoo ExhibitThe latest example of bad parenting comes to us from El Paso.Johnny ThrashJohnny Thrash
Texas Father Mocks Son Online Who Made It To a Lego Robotics CompetitionTexas Father Mocks Son Online Who Made It To a Lego Robotics CompetitionIf your kid is smart enough to make it to a robotics competition, he can probably easily find these tweets. StrykerStryker
Befuddled Adults Try to Make Sense of the Fidget Spinner CrazeBefuddled Adults Try to Make Sense of the Fidget Spinner CrazeThe biggest trend in toys has many people scratching their heads.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Wichita Falls in Top Ten Best Cities for Working Parents for 2017Wichita Falls in Top Ten Best Cities for Working Parents for 2017Only two cities in Texas made the list of top 10 cities for working parents, and it looks like Wichita Falls is, once again, one of the lucky few in the country.StrykerStryker
W.F. Great for Working ParentsW.F. Great for Working ParentsAdd one more to the list of reasons to be thankful you live in Wichita Falls.Johnny ThrashJohnny Thrash