Survey Says Texas is the Hardest State to Vote In
I've never had a problem, but apparently we're in the most difficult state.
A new survey came out for a 'cost of voting index' for each and every state. This determines how easy or hard it is to vote in your state. Turns out Texas ranks at the top of the most difficult to vote in. Scientists from Northern Illinois University, Jacksonville University and Wuhan University in China determined the index. I know this is the reaction a lot of people are having to that last one.
We have seen in the past couple of weeks people talk about how many drop-offs each county is allowed to provide for voters who would rather not put their absentee ballots in the mail, who’s eligible to vote by mail and whether counties with curbside voting are making things too simple. Here is what the index says about Texas.
“Texas maintains an in-person voter registration deadline 30 days prior to Election Day, has reduced the number of polling stations in some parts of the state by more than 50% and has the most restrictive pre-registration law in the country, according to the analysis.”
Other states offer things like online voter registration, automatic voter registration and allowing voters to register as late as Election Day. Texans had until October 5th to register. For instance to vote by mail in Texas you must qualify for at least one of these. Be 65 or older, to eligible voters confined to jail, for voters who are out of their county of residence during voting, and for voters who cite a disability that prevents them from safely going to the polls.
Texans have a lower turnout when it comes to voting compared to the national average. In the last presidential race, in 2016, turnout was 51.4% of the state’s eligible voters, a number that includes adults eligible to vote whether they registered or not. The national average was 60.1%.
The good news is that over two million Texans have already voted early in this year's election. We will see if Texas remains near the top in the next election cycle. I know some people want as many restrictions as possible and some wish Texas would lighten up on some of the issues when it comes to voting.
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