Giant Teddy Bear Tackled After Rushing Gate at Sheppard Air Force Base
That giant Teddy Bear didn't stand a chance.
A video was recently posted to Facebook showing a giant Teddy bear making a run for the main gate at Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls. The caption of the video simply says "Exercise," and we called officials at Sheppard who confirmed the incident in the video is indeed a training exercise for a gate runner.
Someone clearly went to Walmart and got the biggest Teddy Bear they have. They cut a hole in the back, took some stuffing out and hopped in. I can tell this is an actual Teddy Bear because the stuffing was going everywhere while they were running.
The gate attendant announces "Gate Runner!" and goes running after Teddy. Teddy then gets a tackle to the ground, which is an easy 2018 roughing the passer call.
Just a friendly reminder, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS AT ANY MILITARY BASE ANYWHERE. You may get tackled to the ground if you're lucky and face several charges if you do so.
BONUS: Footage From Sheppard Air Force Base Air Show