Popular Songs That Mention Wichita Falls In Their Lyrics
Looks like our city has been shown some love over the years.
Decided to see how many time Wichita Falls has shown up in songs throughout the years and I got more results than I expected. Some people have Wichita Falls as a song, some as an album name, others just mention our city in a lyric. Time to test your music knowledge and see if you know them all.
If I missed anybody, let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to add them.
- 1
American Aquarium | Wichita Falls
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Miranda Lambert-Wichita Falls
- 3
Pat Metheny- As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls
- 4
Houston Marchman-Wichita Falls
- 5
Buddy Jewell-Wichita Falls Woman
- 6
George Hamilton IV - Fort Worth, Dallas Or Houston
"In Wichita Falls or Waco or San Angelo. She waits for me I know"
- 7
Joe Ely - All Just To Get To You
"I have run from St. Paul to Wichita Falls. Called you from Sunny Baton Rouge"
- 8
Guy Clark-Tornado Time in Texas
"Suck red river just as dry as a bone. Dump it on Wichita Falls. Tornado time in Texas.Take the paint right off of your barn"
- 9
Shooter Jennings - Busted In Baylor County
"But I've got a few autographs for you to sign. And they sprang us out right quick, so we could get up on the stick.To Wichita Falls by show time.To tell 'em...We were busted"
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