PETA Suggests Renaming the Baseball ‘Bullpen’ to ‘Arm Barn’ and Twitter is Loving It
Now this is funny.
I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who love PETA, it’s just that I’ve never met them. Most people I know think they’re an over-sensitive group of attention seekers.
Not to be outdone by the controversy surrounding the Braves use of Native American chants and imagery or the debate as to whether or not the members of the Astros involved in the sign-stealing scandal should even be playing in the World Series, PETA figured it was a good time to point out just how “speciesist” (their word) the term “bullpen” is:
Words matter, and baseball 'bullpens' devalue talented players and mock the misery of sensitive animals. PETA encourages Major League Baseball coaches, announcers, players, and fans to changeup their language and embrace the 'arm barn' instead.
If you’re a fan of baseball like I am, you know MLB is the last organization to embrace any sort of change, so it ain’t happening.

But fans on Twitter actually kind of like the term.
Even Texas Rangers pitcher Taylor Hearn is having a little fun with it.
Personally, I think there are a lot more pressing issues in the world today and the whole thing is pretty ridiculous, but I can totally see myself calling the “bullpen” the “arm barn” just to be my typical smartass self.
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