Oklahoma Attorney Files Lawsuit Against One City’s Stay At Home Order
The attorney who filed the suit said the ordinance is unconstitutional and alleges the city is sending its residents mixed signals.
Josh Lee, with Lee Coats Law, is upset with Vinita, Oklahoma's stay at home order. He thinks the order is poorly written and confusing people in the town. Vinita's emergency ordinance approved last week states "citizens, residents and visitors within the city limits of Vinita shall stay in their home," adding a curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 in the morning -- except for a handful of reasons, like traveling to an essential job or for essential errands like groceries, gas, or medications.
Vinita Police said they won't be writing tickets and won't be stopping people for being out after curfew, but the ordinance says those who violate the order, could face up to a $500 fine and 30 days in jail. "This is very concerning to me, because that allows for arbitrary application of the law, to however and whoever they see fit. That's not a fair position to be putting police officers in, that's not a fair position to be putting citizens in," Lee told News on 6.