If we would have gotten some snow in Wichita Falls, I am sure the local news team would be putting up the same pictures.

So this past weekend I was all prepared for some snow. From what I saw we were expecting one to three inches, I even saw one report that said be prepared for four to six inches. Well nothing, I don't think I even saw one snowflake, sleet does not count by the way.I am aware to the north of us they got some snow, but still it seems like everything missed Wichita Falls.

Well if the snow would have hit us, I can assure you the local news teams would be putting up pictures like the ones described in this video. Your outdoor patio furniture covered in snow, admit we probably all have one photo like this. Well news anchor Kyle Clark has had enough of these photos being sent into his station and goes on a rant about how we can all make better winter photos. So Wichita Falls when that snow eventually comes use some of these tips Kyle told you, so we are not all looking at everyone's patio furniture.

Check Out Kyle Clark's Rant Below:

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