New Texas Bill Would Expand Medical Marijuana Use For More People
Things are going good so far for medical marijuana in our state, here is another step in the right direction.
As of 2015 in Texas, certain Texans have the right to medical marijuana. However, a very small number of Texans are allowed to use it. Right now, only Texans with intractable epilepsy are allowed to use small amounts of low THC CBD oil. The program is working and many want to see it expanded a little bit in our state.
House Bill 1365 was filed this week by Texas State Representative Eddie Lucio III. The bill allows patients to use certain amounts of medical cannabis for conditions like cancer, autism, epilepsy, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Under this bill, patients could use cannabis products through vaporization, oils, salves, or lotions, but not through smoking.
Many of the people who are for the legalization of medical marijuana in our state are those going through cancer treatments. They say after their treatments, they become addicted to pain medication and have withdrawal symptoms. Medical marijuana would allow these people to not become addicted to hard prescription drugs.
"The way I see it, there's no moral, ethical or scientific reason why our state lawmakers-- our elected political heroes — should not come together in a bipartisan way to expand the compassionate use act," Mike Thompson a cancer survivor said. "To not only continue to help people with intractable epilepsy but with cancer, Crohn's disease, and any spastic related illnesses so that we can ensure that the highest possible amount of Texans can be helped by this medicine."
As with any bill, you will have those people who don't agree with it. One of those groups is the Sheriff's Association of Texas. They released the following statement on this bill being proposed this week.
"The Sheriffs’ Association of Texas does not support the further legalization of marijuana in the state. In our efforts to keep the peace, deputy sheriffs routinely encounter persons who appear highly intoxicated on marijuana or marijuana-edible products. These individuals are generally a danger to themselves, and when driving, they are clearly a danger to others. The SAT does not support House Bill 1365 (2019). " - Collin County Sheriff Jim Skinner, Legislative Committee, Sheriffs' Association of Texas
We will see if this passes in our state, but as always it will be a long process before anything happens.
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