Five Finger Death Punch’s Zoltan Bathory Responds to Band’s Past Police Support
Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory has followed in his bandmate Ivan Moody's footsteps, weighing in on the current unrest in the country in the wake of George Floyd's death last week.
Five Finger Death Punch have supported police-related organizations in the past, and Bathory starts his post by addressing his feelings on if he still supports the police after last week's video in which a police officer held Floyd to the ground with a knee to the neck as he struggled to breathe.
The guitarist states, "Being a long time supporter of 1st responders — I got a few messages asking 'if I still support them after all this' [?] Yes... I support the constitution, truth, justice, human rights and our civil liberties and I support all those who defend it. I support the kind of Police, who - just like the rest of us - are disgusted by the actions of that POS murderer and his colleagues who were assisting or standing idle - they tarnished the badge, violated the oath - and without a question they murdered George."
He continues, "No sane person can watch that video without disgust and absolute fucking rage. Justice needs to be served 1000 percent to its full extent for all involved. The absolute maximum and then some."
However, Bathory cautions that we should be focused on the message that needs to be sent here. "Don't let politically motivated goons hijack your emotions, push you where you should not go, and divide this nation even further," says the guitarist. "Focus on the guilty and focus on the problem - and the solution of the problem."
He continues, "Beating up innocents, robbing their stores, setting communities on fire have nothing to do with justice, and certainly isn't done in the honor of George Floyd – don't join the senseless violent mob. They are not helping - they are not here for YOU - and they make all of this much much worse."
He concludes, "Oh.... And to some blue checkmarks and media jackasses who were instigating and fanning the flame, may you rot in hell - now there is blood on your hands too."
Over the weekend, Five Finger Death Punch frontman Ivan Moody posted his own opinions, both on our current leader's handling of the global pandemic and he also weighed in on the George Floyd protest discussion. Of the latter, he stated, "When it comes to the situation in Minnesota, anyone who's seen that film that doesn't believe that those men should be in shackles awaiting trial for murder charges ... I don't think I have to say anything. This is an obvious fucking need for justice. This is something that can't be overlooked. No longer is it geographical either; it doesn't just pertain to one city. This is a national fucking problem, and it needs to be addressed immediately."
The singer continued, "I come from a household and a family of people that people are people. There isn't a definition of a person from their color or from their race, their ethnic background or their religions. We are American, and we stand as so. So this injustice needs to be rectified immediately."
Speaking on the rioting, Moody added, "To those of you that are rioting out there right now, or are thinking of doing so, remind yourself that there are a million cops out there right now who have their head in their hand, going, 'What the fuck?', because they started doing what they're doing with the right intentions. They're good people, they're honorable police, and they would never do such things. So please don't hold to account an entire section of American people for the few that are really fucking this up."
To see more reactions and commentary from rock and metal musicians on George Floyd's death and the ensuing protests, click here and here.
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